Amazing, truly amazing, however . . .
I have quite a mouthfull to say here.. Theres really two sides to this story, anyone who rates a 10 is on the literal side, and anyone who rated below an 8 has strayed too deeply into the idea of maddness.
Overall, the movie is amazing on its own. Its bloody, has tons of action, the graphics are great, the sound matches everything perfectly, movements are fluent, and a terrific flash length. 5 minutes... that really tops the scale, especially considering the quality of it all.
However, the main problem the peopl are having is that its simply not the same style, and I suppose people have gotten so indrenched with the idea of having that same style again, that they have forgotten the true meaning of a good flash. We've had several episodes with the same person, hank, and although challenges have changed, it hasnt really mattered, as long as hank was there to own their arse. Now, we have even more characters, the story has been twisted even more, and for some people, the action has gone at a slower pace sence the movie had to encompass all the story segments, which didnt really make sence. Then when hank finnaly comes back, he isnt the SAME hank that we were all hoping for. The new addition of a scorpion tail is definately AWESOME in my opinion, but those dedicated to the true essence of maddness find it way too straying from the "hank feel".
I personally loved the whole thing, regardless of nitpicky things such as a broken story (who cares..) and a not-so-hank hank. Even though you still have me loving this thing, if you want to keep all of your fans, focus on hank, no more side characters, just him, his original bad-ass style, a bunch of random seemingly invincible bosses, limitless peons to be ravaged with an endless variety of guns, and... hmm... do something with the claw. He needs his real hand back, i know that much. Maybe make it a form he can only temporarily use or something like that.. your creative, you dont have to eliminate it completely, but he needs to have his hand for the bulk of the action.
I hope this helps some,